Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Avian Influenza Menace

Hey guys, got some scary news. Just recently, more and more countries are getting disturbed about the rapid progression of bird flu virus to different regions of the planet. Most countries in the South Asia and Southeast Europe are plagued by dreaded disease. Romania and Turkey just recently announced the menace brought about by the virus. Chickens were culled and some bird species quarantined. I have read that Europe strickly bans the vaccine innoculation of chickens lest it will pave the way for the transformation of H5N1 virus to a different strain and assume a form which infects humans. Despite these recommendations, some countries in Asia are still in the practice of vaccination which are believed inimical to the current research progress conducted by several countries combating this disease. May God help us all. If you would like to know more infomation about Bird flu virus simply click on the link below which will lead you to a different website containing the information in question. Thanks!

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